Company Profile
TireTutor is a startup company founded by MIT Graduate students to change the landscape of car tire sales as we know it. The Boston based company currently serves the New England area but is quickly changing to expand throughout the country. TireTutors goal is simple. Connect customers looking for tires with the vendors that sell them. With a large variety of options and price ranges, its easy to find what you are looking for with TireTutor.
We are working with Jason Abrahams, Founder and CEO of TireTutor. Jason decides what projects get focus and guides the team to how it should get done. Currently, they are looking for a new email service for their website to better connect their distributors with their customers. They want a “plug and play” service that is easy for their distributors to use and fits well into their current business model.
Business Need
Manufacturers should be able to upload a .csv file full of information on customers to the wizard.
The wizard must be LOW TECH, as many clients will not be technologically advanced enough to navigate a midrange emailing system.
The email should be sent from the dealer to ensure that the customer knows that the email came from the dealer and not TireTutor.
The new system must be plug and play, and can not be coded from scratch, as many projects are currently already being worked on at TireTutor.
TireTutor wants a new wizard for low tech manufacturers to reach their customers after they make a purchase.