Company Profile
Sasaki Design is an urban design company that follows projects from concept to finish. Sasaki provides architecture, landscaping and interior planning, concepts and engineering. They describe their company as a place where they believe “defining the future of [a] place must be a collective, contextual, and values-driven exercise. We all have a stake in this work.
Through our 65 years of practice, we have affirmed that diverse perspectives, blended disciplines, open exchange, deep engagement with clients and communities, commitment to history and context, curiosity about new ways of thinking and making, and expert facility with data and emerging technologies, together, will always unearth stronger design than one vision hewn by one author ever could.”
Business Need
Sasaki uses an application called Salesforce to keep track of ongoing projects, their clients, and is all over a database for the business transactions. Our sponsor uses this application daily and relies on it to be able to do her work. It is lacking in having a good directory for names and contact information while also tracking the progress of projects and who is assigned to them. She is seeking to find another SaaS that will better serve her needs and encompass all of her tracking needs in one spot.
This will require:
An application that will keep a working directory of all the clients information including:
Contact Information
Additional Details
An application that can track transactions
An application that can track on going projects
To find out more about Sasaki please visit https://www.sasaki.com